Thursday 7 July 2011

By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead - Julie Anne Peters


Alison Can Read said...

A lot of the books that treasure most I didn't particularly enjoy. But as you said, they touch you and make you think. Definitely will check this out.

Anachronist said...

Yes, a very needed position despite the fact that not exactly enjoyable. Depressed people can be found everywhere and not discussing suicide is always wrong. Thanks for your review!

Agrippina Legit said...

@Alison: I'd definitely recommend you give it a go. It stuck with me for days, and I really like it when books make me think like that :)

@Anachronist: Exactly. I don't think it can ever be an easy subject to read about but, if it gets people thinking about suicide and reaching out to their peers, then it's worth it :)

Sharon Wilfong said...

As I read your post I thought of the bullying that went on at my school and basically was allowed to go on.
After sending up another useless report (I knew nothing was going to happen to the perpetrators) I told a girl that her parents needed to call the police. I think if more parents pressed charges for bullying it would be a wake up call to a lot of would be bullies.

Agrippina Legit said...

I'm lucky in that there wasn't any physical bullying (that I know of) at my high school and only a little at primary school, but the psychological bullying was absolutely rife. This was before it really started getting media attention, so I'm not sure whether the teachers just didn't notice it was going on, or hadn't yet realised that it doesn't so much "harden kids up" as give them deep emotional wounds that can persist throughout life :/

I'm very glad that it's a much more public issue these days.